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Save your baby's life today
with this medical Pacifier

Baby with a Binky life Pacifier to breathe clear
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Over 4,500 SIDS
deaths in 2023 USA

UK & EU similar number
for population size

Numbers increasing for the first time in 10 years
A total of 2,240 infants died before their first birthday in 2022 in England

Baby's pacifier with anti SIDS decongestant strip

This is how easy it is to fill the pacifiers teat with medication.

Most babies and toddlers do not like syringes or spoons.

However natural sucking of a pacifiers teat is perfect.

You can also see how much medication the baby or toddler has actually consumed.

This way you will not over or under dose your little one.

We supply several teats, even a teat for weaning onto solid food.

To administer medications and other liquid medicines.

This is Mila, she is just 4 years old.
She is demonstrating how to use it.

She only used the pacifier to un-block
her nose as baby and only when she
needed medication.

When she was a baby, often her nose would block. But using this pacifier with the decongestant strips allowed her to breathe.

This stopped her crying and we believe
reduced the risk of SIDS.

A total of 2,240 infants died before their first birthday in 2022 in England, a rise from 2,209 in 2021.

Professor David Taylor-Robinson, academic co-director at Health Equity North, said:

“An increase in infant mortality rates is uncommon in affluent nations. As a sensitive measure of how we are doing as a society, rising infant mortality serves as an early indicator of policy going in the wrong direction

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